Prémiové steaky

Steaky Premium – mramorované hovädzie mäso, ktoré si získalo svoje meno vďaka rovnomernému rozloženiu prerasteného tuku. Najlepšie hovädzie mäso musí byť v priereze poprepletané nitkami tuku, vďaka čomu je mäso veľmi mäkké, šťavnaté a jemné. Chuť hovädzieho Premium ocenia zarovno fajnšmekri, ako aj ľudia, ktorí s ním svoje dobrodružstvo len začínajú. Steaky Premium dodajú lesk večierkom, grilovačkám ako aj domácim večeriam.

Aké mäso zvoliť na steaky?

Hovädzie mäso je najlepšie kúpiť v overenom obchode alebo mäsiarstve. Najobľúbenejší kus mäsa na steaky je: vysoká roštenka, nízka roštenka, špička, pliecko, podplecie alebo sviečková, no možno ich však pripraviť aj z iných častí hovädzieho mäsa. Najlepšie kusy hovädzieho mäsa sú tie, ktoré majú mramorovanú štruktúru, čiže svaly pretkané tukovými vláknami. Jemné biele vlákna zaručia, že mäso bude po vyprážaní jemné a šťavnaté.

How to make the perfect steak?

To prepare the perfect steak, you need to follow a few rules:

  • The first step to making the perfect steak is, of course, to buy good quality meat.
  • Before preparing the steak, the meat should be pulled out of the refrigerator for a minimum of 2 hours beforehand, so that it reaches room temperature.
  • The pan or grill should be warmed up to a high temperature! The beef should fry heavily to close the leeks so that the juices stay inside, which will make the steak perfectly juicy.
  • Do not prick meat during frying!
  • After removing from the pan or grill, the meat should rest for a while so that the juices spread evenly and do not flow out immediately after cutting it.
  • Steaks after frying can be covered at the moment with a plate or aluminum foil so that they do not cool down too much.
  • When it comes to seasoning steaks, a lot depends on our idea or fantasy.  The most popular spices are: pepper, salt, garlic, rosemary and, of course, for frying using high-quality fats – oil, preferably rapeseed oil and clarified butter.
  • Steaks can be seasoned only after frying or marinated in your favorite spices much earlier.

Steak frying level:

Pans should be heated to a temperature of 180 C.
To well determine the degree of warming up of the pan, a water drop test should be carried out. At the correct temperature, which is ideal for frying beef steaks, drops of water thrown on it will not evaporate immediately, and will „jump“. However, the pan should not heat up for frying without fat for more than 3-5 minutes. Depending on the level of frying we want to achieve, the frying time varies and depends on the type of pan used and the thickness of the meat:

For the RARE steak, which is very bloody – the frying time is about 2.5 minutes. In this case, the process of shearing the protein has begun, however, the meat remains bloody and red inside. It has slightly ruddy sides and is soft to the touch.

For the MEDIUM RARE steak, i.e. slightly bloody – frying time approx. 3 minutes. The meat after cutting will be slightly pink in color with slightly flowing plasma.

For MEDUM steak, i.e. medium fried – frying time is about 4 minutes. This is the most popular degree of frying. The steak is not bloody, on the outer border it should be brown, but still pink in the middle part.

For MEDIUM WELL steak, i.e. well fried – frying time is about 5 minutes. The color of the meat becomes more brown. When touched, the meat is hard, but elastic.

For WELL DONE steak, which is very well fried – frying time is about 6-7 minutes. The meat has a brown color, in places it can even be slightly burned. Meat can be hard.

Countries to which we sell products

We deliver our products to countries such as:

• Austria
• Belgia
• Bulgaria
• Croatia
• Cyprus
• Czech Republic
• Denmark
• Estonia
• Finland
• France
• Germany
• Greece
• Hungary
• Italy
• Ireland
• Lithuania
• Luxembourg
• Latvia
• Malta
• Poland
• Portugal
• Romania
• Slovakia
• Slovenia
• Spain
• Sweden
Łabowa 176A, 33-336 Łabowa
+48 18 475 14 70
ul. Fabryczna 2A, 39-200 Dębica
+48 14 681 25 30