Hovädzie vnútornosti sú široko používané na kulinárske účely. Obsahujú veľké množstvo vitamínu D3, koenzým Q10, cholín, meď, zinok, kyselinu listovú, vitamíny A, D, E, K, B12, selén, kolagén, bielkoviny a množstvo ďalších zložiek potrebných pre udržanie zdravej, vyváženej stravy.
LIVER – USE: for frying, cooking, for grill steaks
LUNGS – USE: stew
KIDNEYS – USE: stew, for cooking
TONGUE – USE: for cooking, frying
TRIPE – USE: for cooking, for stew
BONES – USE: for boulion
TAIL – USE: for broth
TENDONS – in a butcher shop or market in Poland are not found very often . However, they are the basis of many cuisines, including Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Thai, Taiwanese, Filipino and Vietnamese. In the dishes of these countries, beef tendons are the basis of tasty sauces and stews. The main components of the beef tendon are collagen and elastin. These connective tissue play an important role in bone health. Studies have shown that a diet rich in collagen prevents the loss of bone mineral density.
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