Meat Processing Plant “Zaczyk”
Is a family company, founded in 1991, which has been operating in the beef sector since the beginning. Over the years, the company has developed its activities in the field of slaughter and cutting meat. At the moment, it is also a producer of i.a: beef burgers, beef steaks and minced meat IQF. The company is constantly following new food trends, which is why it also offers Vege burgers, which are very popular.
The company “ZACZYK” based in Łabowa specializes in cutting beef. The operating plant was built in 2003 on the basis of the latest construction technologies, taking into all technological and organizational requirements in force in the European Union in the field of food industry facilities. The adopted technical and organizational solutions allow for further development in many directions of red meat production.
The second pillar of ZPM “ZACZYK” is the branch in Dębica, where we slaughtering cattle, cutting beef quarters , producing IQF minced meat and burgers.

Years on the market
Satisfied Customers
Unique products

The mission of ZPM “Zaczyk” is to constantly build the brand so that it is still synonymous of quality, reliability, durability, care for the natural environment. We conduct business ethically, comply with business obligations, protect the information and interests of our clients. By responding to the comments and changing needs of our customers and contractors, following culinary trends, we are constantly improving our production process, constantly striving for perfection.

ZPM “Zaczyk” thanks to its passion, combining tradition with innovation, constantly strives to be a leader in the sale of beef and beef products such as beef burgers and steaks, minced beef IQF and Vege burgers. We want to inspire both chefs and novice chefs with our products.

The company employs about 300 employees, who are specialists in their profession. It is their experience and passion that ensures the highest quality of meat and repeatability of production.

The company ZPM “Zaczyk” specializes in the slaughter and cutting of beef. We are also a producer of beef steaks, beef burgers, minced meat IQF and VEGE burgers.
Our Offer
Always the highest quality! This is the motto of our company, which is why every day we deliver the highest quality fresh and frozen beef, steaks, IQF minced meat, beef burgers and VEGE burgers to our contractors. The constantly growing interest in our offer confirms that care for quality is appreciated by our customers.
Premium line
To meet the requirements of the most demanding beef lovers, we offer Beef Steaks and Premium Burgers.
Useful Information

Benefits of beef meat
Beef meat is an essential source of proteins, vitamins and minerals. More than 2/3 of beef meat contains less than 8% fat. 10g of beef meat is about 116kcal., and about 20g of protein and 3.6g of fat. Every day you can consume 1g of protein per 1kg of body weight – for example, 50g of protein per 50kg of body weight. These proteins, however, must come from a varied diet – meat, fish or eggs.

Practical tips
How to buy beef meat?
Color – this is what you need to pay attention first of all. Fresh, good quality beef should have a deep intense red color. Very dark or stained meat should be avoided.
Fat – the color of the fat should be light/cream. Dark/grey fat should be avoided.
Marbling – these are visible white streaks of soft fat that accumulates between bundles of muscle fibers. Marbling is considered one of the …
Countries to which we sell products
We deliver our products to countries such as: